Permanent, unwavering faith is that which has survived the darkest times imaginable in our personal lives. It is faith that is no longer me-centered or based on God’s blessings to me. It is faith that is based on GOD HIMSELF, not what He can do for me. It is faith that can withstand losing everything and still raise its voice in praise and worship of the Living Savior, Jesus Christ.
For the disciples, their faith was not “there” until Jesus hung on the cross and died. In that moment, most of them abandoned Him. It was not there until they saw the reality of the resurrected Jesus–walking and talking and breathing again. Only then were they willing to lay down everything–even their own lives–for Him.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I still measure God by His blessings to me, or by the degree of hardships I face. I’m farther along toward that unwavering faith than I’ve ever been before, but I still have a way to go…. Thankfully, our God is patient with us!
When you are tempted to measure God by His blessings or by your hardships, take a moment to remember the crucified and resurrected Jesus. He was willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice for YOU, and He proved that He is the God of the resurrection. No price was too high for Him to pay for you. He has already proven His faithfulness, love, and devotion to you. Dig down deep and commit to trusting Him even when you don’t feel like it. Commit based on what He has already done for you, believing that He’s got you, and He’s got this–No Matter What! Determine to trust Him no matter what, and He will meet you where you are in the most amazing ways. Through it all, He will grow unwavering faith in you.
Happy Resurrection Weekend!
(For further reading: My Utmost For His Highest, by Oswald Chambers; April 4)