Category Archives: Wellness

My Story:My Journey to Wellness…Part I

In 2007 I had a cancer scare. My doctor told me I had 18 months to turn my life around or things were going to get real. Thus began my journey to wellness.

My life was turned upside down. I immediately called a former doctor, hoping this new guy was a quack. Instead, he agreed. It was time for me to make some changes.

I’d love to be able to say I got my physical life completely on track, but it’s been a slow climb for me. Fourteen years later I’m still making changes to get healthier. I’m still overweight, but I have to say I am living a cleaner, healthier life than ever before—and I couldn’t be happier!

This series is about my journey and the simple but effective things I’ve been doing and continue to do to live a healthier, happier, and cleaner life. I hope you will join me!

And So It Began

When the “C” word showed up, the first thing I did in cleaning up my life was to begin building my immune system. Less sugar was a big part of that. I discovered Stevia and still use it today to sweeten my coffee, hot teas, or anything I would normally add processed sugar to. Decreasing my sugar intake was huge in fighting this new battle and redefining my health. Sugar feeds cancer.

If I was going to beat this thing I needed to take better care to minimize my sugar intake. (Notice I didn’t say cut it out completely. Yes, that would have been better, but I know myself and drastic measures don’t usually work well for me—and that drastic measure would not have stuck given the stress in my life at that time. We will talk about stress later….!) Reduced sugar intake was my first step toward wellness.

NanogreensAt the same time, I got proactive with Nanogreens. One scoop in the morning in apple juice or a protein shake gave me a full day’s supply of nature’s “atomic” immune booster! High quality Nanogreens have 10 servings of fruits and vegetables in one little scoop. I was notorious for not eating healthy in those days, so Nanogreens gave me the nutritional boost I needed without having to start eating like a rabbit. Wellness step 2: daily intake of Nanogreens.

My Nanogreens of choice are from Biopharma Scientific. Both my doctors* confirmed this brand of Nanogreens was one of high quality. .

Within six months of making these two simple changes—less processed sugar and more Nanogreens—my test came back with a glowing report! I knew then I was onto something good. My journey to wellness was off to a good start!

[Stay tuned for Part II, coming soon!]


Note:*Both these doctors are chiropractic internists who treat the whole person instead of merely treating individual symptoms. They also treat with natural resources rather than synthetic, man-made chemical compounds.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed nutritionist or healthcare practitioner. All suggestions on this blog are to be researched and investigated by the reader. Please contact your personal physician as needed.

Copyright 2021 Mary Comm. All rights reserved.